
Stop and listen.

Selah is a mysterious word from the bible, interpreted as: the interlude between the verses. The pause to let the music, the prayer or the lyrics sink in your heart. My mission on earth is to give people a moment to pause. To go inward and to feel that everything you need is already there, right there in your heart. In this western society we are so used to working hard just to have the right to exist on this planet. I believe that if we listen to our hearts and act, speak and move from that place everything else will flow. Naturally. We tend to forget this, and I am here to remind you.

My name is Anne, 33 years old and born in the Netherlands. I love nature, music and am an admirer of the miracle called life and all it's beauty and challenges. My relationship with sound is very special. From when I was young, I had issues with my ears and I am deaf on one side from when I was 12 years old. This made me dive into my own little world, but also made that I feel sound rather than I hear it. For 6 years now I share the most universal and profound healing there is. Healing on a frequency level. It all started in Nepal when I took a life changing soundhealing course, since then I took a journey of my own getting more and more in tune with who I am on a soul level. Resulting in sharing the frequencies of singing bowls, wind chimes, a gong, my guitar and singing voice to take people on a journey. A journey within, where all the answers to our questions lie. We just have to stop. And listen. 

' The biggest journey we will travel in life is 40 cm, the road from our head to our hearts.'


There are several possibilities for where to hold the sessions. In my practice, at your home or retreat house or online. Send an email to talk about the options.

Sound healing/ A magical sound healing journey to relax and dive deep into our subconsciousness and listen to what is waiting to arise and be transformed.  I use various instruments like singing bowls, wind chimes, a gong, a guitar and my singing voice. Starting with a short meditation, participants can fully surrender and let themselves be carried by the sounds and the frequencies. You will leave this session refreshed, with new insights, connected to your higher self and centered in your being.

Yin & Sound yoga class/ A soft, gentle yin yoga session combined with sound healing to create space & flow of energy in our bodies and heart.

Emotional Presence Session/ Together we give the gift of our presence to our body and emotions. Emotion means -Energy in Motion- and by bringing our attention towards our feeling in stead of away from it, the energy can start moving. We experience a lot of different events in our life. From small things like getting denied something we really want as a child or big things like the loss of a loved one. Because of emotional unawareness of our parents or other causes, we often learn that it's 'safer' or 'better' to move away from our feelings and keep ourselves busy or escaping them. This causes the energy to get stuck in our body, sometimes resulting in mental or physical illness. In this session, together, we will use a somatic technique to use the body as a portal into your feelings, heart and soul. Releasing old energy to literally make space for new, empowering and loving feelings to experience a free and authentic life. Close to yourself and others.

Tarot Sessions/ Gain insights and perspective about your current situation and steps to take next in your life. I use Raider Waite tarot cards as a mirror to your energy at this moment.

Inner Child Meditations(in dutch)/  Connect with the most pure part of yourself before all the influences from the world around you. Together we will go to a place in meditation where you can meet your inner child and start a conversation with him or her to find out what it needs.

Click here to send an message to +31633719476 to or an email to if you have any questions about the above.
